Sunday 27 November 2011

Bridge too far?

Work was finished on Middle Lock at Fradley Junction on Friday and the walkway across by the bottom gates has now acquired some ugly wooden railings.
I can only assume there is some reason for defacing a listed structure in this way. BW may well use the health and safety card but the lock has been used safely for more than 200 years, that's a hell of a risk assessment.
And do they have listed building consent for this act of vandalism?

Sunday 20 November 2011

Hit supermarkets that use forced labour

<p>Tesco, Sainsbury and Poundland are using unemployed youngsters who are forced to work for them or lose their meagre benefits.<br>
They work for nothing, enabling these billionaire businesses to not spend on proper jobs. The Nazis had a similar scheme for slave workers.<br>
It is called workfare, but it is not either proper work - or fair on youngsters who don't end up with a proper job. After all why should the greedy supermarkets give them a job when they can have the next bunch of slaves for free?<br>
I am boycotting all businesses that use forced labour and I urge you to do the same.<br>
Even better, cancel your Tesco or Sainsburys reward card and tell them why. They only give you a tiny discount on all the money you spend but the supermarkets find them a very valuable source of information about our habits.
Go on, kick em where it hurts and they may learn that exploiting young  people is not the way civilised buinesses behave.